'The pro-austerity framing that Applebaum described also means that austerity must represent superior morality and that the greater the austerity we champion the greater our moral superiority. This explains the competition in calling for “savage” cuts and the delight in gore. The more programs that aid the poor that we “amputate”; the greater moral superiority we demonstrate. It reverses the Gospels, but it certainly is an attractive framing for the wealthy.'
The above is from a column regarding Anne Applebaum's article on the efficacy of British austerity, written by one of the most formidable U.S. financial regulators, William Black, cross posted from New Economic Perspectives via Yves Smith's most informative newsletter, Naked Capitalism. How's that for moving the message?
The obvious moral pain here is that Christianity cannot defend itself against such travesties as are discussed by Applebaum and Black.
One cannot simply vanish into the fog, transforming religiosity into a vagarious playground, promulgating moral superiority as if it were a necessary vitamin or supplement. This action only serves in moving the host toward immutable grandiosity.
The pro-austerity believers now have every reason to more fully understand the notion of retribution, perhaps coming to accept its inevitability.
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